August 20, 2011

Adobe Edge HTML5 Developer News

Adobe Edge is the newest software package from Adobe which allows anyone to create animations on their website using HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. This tool is supposed to be very simple, as in it allows any user without in-depth HTML5 programming knowledge to add special effects to their website. This is done via a timeline in the software. Users can drag-and-drop graphics onto the design canvas, customize the timeline, and create streamline animated effects. This software is the first showing from Adobe that they are looking into the future and possibly away from solely using Flash for animations and interactive content.

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Adobe has been highly criticized about its insistence that Flash is still the standard and their inability to adapt to growing web standards as more people use Apple iOS products which do not support flash. The lack of flash support on those devices has made many web developers reconsider what technology they use to design websites, advertisements, and interactive content. Adobe says that Edge is not a replacement of Flash, but that it is a companion. Adobe has recently been upgrading their design suite software, such as Dreamweaver, to allow customization via more modern web functions and an easy flash integrator, to keep up with the times.

The Adobe Edge software will allow developers to add animations to existing websites, without causing any distress in the code and requiring a re-working of the source code. This is a solid feature in that it allows anyone who already has a website to simply make it more attractive and noticeable without a major website overhaul. The only current issue is related to how web browsers handle the code. Not every web browser yet fully supports HTML5 and CSS3 in its entirety. One would imagine that by the time Adobe Edge is fully released that these web browsers will be more geared with new code technology.

The largest benefit of Adobe Edge is that by using HTML5 instead of Flash to animate simple effects on web pages, loading times will be reduced. Many Americans still do not have access to high-speed internet, and not all Flash sites offer a standard HTML version. With Adobe Edge’s powerful effects, web developers can use standard web technology to implement them and in turn reduce the amount of bandwidth needed to load a web page. One of the largest causes for bounce-rates on a webpage is that the site never fully loads or loads too slow.

Adobe Edge is set for release sometime during the 2012 year. Currently, Adobe Edge has been released in Beta to anyone who wants to download and try it. The software can be found on Adobe Labs website. Early reviews are extremely positive and the future outlook for the Edge software is looking bright. Adobe Edge Tutorials will be making their appearance once web developers get more experienced with the software and find out how to use it to its fullest potential. One would imagine with the apparent simplicity of the software that Adobe Edge tutorials will allow the most novice of website developers to get their hands dirty and create stunning websites with great eye candy.
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