Yahoo's Flickr photo-sharing service said Wednesday that users can now share individual photos, a capability that surprisingly the service had never introduced.
Previously, users could only share photostreams, sets and groups to friends and family via email. Now, users can share them to Facebook and Twitter, among others, and share individual pictures on those services as well.
Spcifically, users can share photos on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger, and WordPress.
"If you're anything like us, you probably have multiple places out there on the Internet where you express yourself. Maybe you use Facebook to connect to your college friends, Twitter for people who share your interests, or your blog as your megaphone to the world," Flickr's Zack Sheppard wrote in a blog post. "The changes we're releasing today make it easier to upload once to Flickr and get your photos out to other places you showcase your photos on the web!"
Users can also share non-public photos with Facebook friends, so that they can see the content without making them public, Flickr said in a blog post. Users can also share public uploads with a user's Facebook feed as well, Flickr said. Public and safe photos users see on Flickr can also be directly shared to a user's Twitter and Facebook accounts.
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