When Apple launched iPhone 4, it broke every previous history and became the singlemost highest selling product, atleast for first few weeks.
Knowing that Microsoft has grown up to live upto smartphone industry with Windows Phone 7, lets take a look at how well did it do on its first day as compared to any iPhone or Android.
Micrsofot managed to sell 40,000 WP7 devices on its day1 launch in the U.S. If you are under the impression that this is quiet a number, let see how does it compare with iPhones, Androids. Google said last month that it was selling 200,000 Android phones a day. And Apple has said that its iOS sales rate was 270,000 a day.
WP7 was launched on monday, which experts believe is the worst day to launch a new product, when compared to weekends. Beyond the timing, Microsoft may have confused consumers with too many models. Microsoft introduced nine Windows 7 phones at its October press event. “In the phone world, our surveys show that there should be a choice between A or B.” May be it confused buyers more than helping them.
Apart from that there are loads of reasons why most buyers are holding themselves back– The good & Bad of Windows Phone 7:
1. Existing smartphone users won’t switch
2. The Wait for Apps: do you really want to limit youself to 2000 apps as compared to richer apps on iOS, Android?
3. Time to Mature: If took Apple & google 2+ years to prepare a Robust Mobile OS, what is your bet for Microsoft?
4. No Copy Paste, No Multitasking: Welcome to year 2007
So what do we forecast? What can be predicted?
It’s early in the game. Not every product surges right out of the starting blocks. The first Android phone was not a big seller at T-Mobile. A better time to judge Windows Phone 7 will be Christmas, the black friday.
Industry evangelists do forecast that eventually WP7 would gain a share which would become 3rd largest after iOS & Android. How much time will it take? To be honest atleast a year. don’t expect any big growth till the WP7 platform matures with more apps, better platform support.