August 27, 2011

iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending Aug. 26

Next Apple iPhone on sale in October, new parts, new carriers, and Steve Jobs' PR plot

Of course this would mean bad news for another persistent rumor, Wauters notes: that iPhone 5 will run on LTE networks.

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And yet ...

iPhone 5 with LTE rumor persists.

A site called apparently didn't read Wauters. It picked up on last week's "evidence" by some iOS developers sifting through the latest beta release of iOS 5, finding references there to LTE.

The post urges readers to "sit tight and keep your fingers crossed that Apple does decide to include support for the incredibly fast 4G LTE networks in the upcoming iPhone 5 handset."

Because that would be magical.

Sprint will finally offer the iPhone, and it will be iPhone 5.

Sprint will begin selling the new version of the Apple iPhone in mid-October, according to The Wall Street Journal, citing "people familiar with the matter."

REPORT: Sprint will get the iPhone 5 in October

That's in keeping with the AT&T-related rumor regarding iPhone 5 availability. It also indicates, the Journal says, that iPhone 5 will be "too late to contribute to sales in Apple's fiscal fourth quarter, which ends in September." Not that Apple, which has been reporting record revenues and profits quarter after quarter, will be much affected by that delay.

As the Journal notes, "Landing the iPhone is a big win for Sprint, whose results have suffered without being able to sell the trend-setting device." The iPhone has driven AT&T sales since it was introduced in 2007 and Verizon Wireless began selling iPhone 4 in February 2011.

Sprint itself is convinced that the lack of an iPhone offering has been hurtful. "In the second quarter, Sprint blamed a decline in its contract subscribers on more pronounced 'competitive headwinds,' most prominently, 'the first full quarter both major competitors offered the iPhone,'" the Journal says. The carrier reportedly will also be offering the iPhone 4, according to one source.

And it's coming to T-Mobile T-oo!

A site called MacTrast claims, based on a "contact within T-Mobile who claims to have been briefed on the matter," that T-Mobile also will be selling the iPhone 5 and it will run at 3G speeds on what T-Mobile claims is its nationwide "4G" network.

According to MacTrast, unlocked iPhone models are limited to the 2G T-Mobile connections today.

Then, MacTrast draws some rather far-fetched conclusions: The T-Mobile iPhone 5 "could indicate that the iPhone 5 could launch as an unlocked [emphasis added] phone capable of use on any network, without containing any carrier restrictions." Or it could mean that four U.S. carriers are offering the same phone, locked to their respective networks. Adding a fourth carrier, and its chain of retail centers, somehow also "would serve to ease Apple's shipping and distribution."
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