Fujitsu says an Intel Atom-powered smartphone that runs Windows 7 will be available in Japan July 23. Touted as the "world's smallest PC," the Loox F-07C includes a four-inch, 1,024 x 600 pixel touchscreen, 1GB of RAM, a 32GB solid state disk, dual cameras, a microSD slot, and an HDMI video output, according to the company.
Fujitsu's Loox F-07C runs Windows 7 on a 1.2GHz Intel Atom Z600 processor, equipped with 1GB of RAM and 32GB of solid state disk storage. However, it wouldn't quite be accurate to call the device a "Windows-based phone," since the smartphone side of the operation runs the Symbian operating system. Rather, think of this as a very compact Windows 7 tablet that just happens to have a smartphone attached to it.
Fujitsu's Loox F-07C
The Windows environment is apparently suspended when the Loox F-07C is being used as a phone. However, customers of the NTT DoCoMo network -- where the device is initially being offered -- will be able to receive calls when using the device as a computer).
In smartphone mode, the device offers up to 600 hours standby, 370 minutes talk time, and 170 minutes of video calling. However, Windows mode is good for just two hours of operation, according to Fujitsu.
The Loox F-07C's cellular radio works as a modem for Windows data access at up to 7.2Mbps, according to Fujitsu. The device also includes 802.11b/g/n wireless networking and dual cameras -- a five megapixel photo-taker, and a VGA-resolution sensor for videoconferencing.
In addition to its four-inch touchscreen (with 1024 x 600 pixel resolution) the Loox F-07C also has a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, a microSD slot that accepts up to 32GB of add-on storage,plus a stand for desktop use and recharging. An included Y-cable allows connecting a USB keyboard and mouse as well as an HDMI-interfaced monitor, Fujitsu says.
Fujitsu's Loox F-07C in smartphone (left) and PC (right) modes
Fujitsu says the Loox F-07C measures 5.82 x 3.14 x 2.08 inches (148 x 80 x 53mm) and weighs approximately 7.76 ounces (220g). The device comes with a Japanese edition of the Windows 7 Home Premium operating system, plus a two-year license for Word 2010, Excel 2010, and Outlook 2010, the company adds.
A demonstration of the Loox F-07C
Source: Akihabara News
Further information
More information may be found on the Fujitsu Loox F-07C product page.