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How can you view total invoiced amount on a customer for a specific time interval?
A. Run the report CRM/Reports/Sales Management/Internal account statement
B. Select CRM, Inquiries, Statistics
C. On the Business relations form, click Update financial on the Financials tab, and view
the field Total invoiced
D. Open Management statistics, Business relation category, select the Specific Customer
radio button, and select the respective customer
Answer: D
Using the TAPI interface you receive a telephone call. How do you register this in the
CRM module?
A. I create a new record on the Phone calls tab in either the Contact person or Business relations form
B. I create a new note document called, for example, Incoming phone calls and register
the call by creating a note of this type in the Business relations form
C. I need to register the Business relation and/or contact person in order to have the
registered on my business relation
D. The phone call is registered automatically
Answer: D
You have received a text file containing a range of possible leads which you wish to
import into the Business relations form, it also contains several contact persons for each
A. You have to select which contact persons you need to import
B. You have to enter the contact persons through the MS Excel import wizard
C. You create a number of record groups and enter each contact person with a different
record group in the File format definition
D. You are limited to a maximum of three contact persons for each business relations
Answer: C
When a contact person leaves one of your customers:
A. Create a note in the memo field on the contact person
B. Replace the former contact person with the new contact person
C. Mark the contact person as inactive
D. Delete the contact person from the system
Answer: C
To view all quotations for a specific prospect, you:
A. Enter the Management statistics form, select category Business relation and view the quotation
B. Open the Quotations form, select a quotation for the prospect, and click the Business relations button
C. Open the Workbook tab Quotations and filter for the specific prospect
D. Open the Business relations form, select the prospect, and click the Quotations button
Answer: D
To send a document from Axapta’s document handling to an Axapta e-mail group you:
A. Drop the file into your e-mail program
B. Attach the document through the E-mail distribution form
C. Save the document separately and attach it manually to the e-mail
D. Click the E-mail group button in Axapta
Answer: D
Which of the following business relation types can be imported?
A. Competitors
B. Customers, vendors and prospects
C. Customers and vendors
D. Prospects
Answer: B
From where can you NOT see the Return of investment (ROI) for a given campaign?
A. In the Management statistics form
B. In the Business relations form
C. In the Campaign form
D. In the Projects form
Answer: B
How can you make sure that your employees in your call center follow a consistent questioning technique?
A. Create a Questionnaire and attach it to the call list
B. Add a detailed media description to the campaign
C. Detail the questioning technique in the Encyclopedia
D. Attach a Microsoft Word document to the call list with specific questions on it using Document Handling
Answer: A
How do you synchronize the contact persons from one business relation in Axapta to MS Outlook
A. You have to synchronize all the contacts
B. Open the menu item Periodic, MS Outlook synchronization, Synchronize contact
person to Outlook, and select Business relation contacts
C. Select the import field on the individual contact persons in the Contact persons form and select Synchronize
D. Select the business relation in the Business relation form and click the Synchronize button
Answer: B
Microsoft MCTS Certification, MCITP Certification and over 2000+
Exams with Life Time Access Membership at