1. How many questions are in the 70-680 Windows 7 exam and what is your passing score?
Generally speaking, average is between 40-60 per exam. The number will be different or change, even though you take the same 70-680 twice or in the second shot. If you could not get 70% of the total scores or maximum scores, you could not be certified as MCTS: Windows 7, Configuration, let alone MCITP: Enterprise Administrator, or Enterprise Desktop Administrator 7 or Enterprise Desktop Support Technician 7.The maximum score is 1000. However there have been a few people on various forums who have said that they've scored over 1000. Microsoft said that the maximum score on the exams would vary depending on the complexity of the skills being measured.
2. What is the format or type of 70-680? How are the exam structured?
70-680 is the traditional question based exam .There are multiple choice questions, no sim ,no drag, and no drop. The duration is 135 minutes.
3. What are the exam points or main topic area for MCTS 70-680 Exam?
1. Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 (14 percent)
2. Deploying Windows 7 (13 percent)
3. Configuring Hardware and Applications(14 percent)
4. Configuring Network Connectivity (14 percent)
5. Configuring Access to Resources (13 percent)
6. Configuring Mobile Computing (10 percent)
7.Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 (11 percent)
8.Configuring Backup and Recovery Options (11 percent)
4. What is 70-680 exam cost except for the cost of books and some online resources for preparation? Or what is the register fee?
Generally speaking, you should pay 125$ for each exam, or attempt. However, you can buy exam vouchers of Prometric to get a discount .Many online vendor also offer discounts for specific exams. Besides, the register fee 125$ does not contain applicable taxes, vouchers, promotions or membership discounts. So, if you want to know the accurate fee you need to pay, you can contact Prometric, or see it via prometric site. Besides, these questions belong to 11 questions about Microsoft Certification.
5. Best materials and resources for MCTS 70-680:
Although there is no Microsoft E-learning training, Microsoft Press books currently available for 70-680 and the notes from TechNet or some other materials related with this technology are also good for our 70-680 preparation. Especially, the TechNet notes are best materials. Even when you have free practice tests MS press books to prepare this .net exam, you also need to rely on TechNet notes to study those books. It is known that there always are several unavoidable errors or faults on the MS press books, which sometimes should be corrected according as the TechNet notes. Of course the errors won't always happen.