January 15, 2011

JFK Presidential Library Launches New Cloud-Based Archive ( Part II)

EMC, Iron Mountain, Raytheon and AT&T are the key corporate sponsors. All have donated financially and materials-wise to the project.

EMC donated the original Celerra storage array four years ago to get the project started and has upgraded the equipment since then; Iron Mountain's digital archiving and backup software and services, Raytheon's connectivity hardware and services, and AT&T's Web hosting and data security also are in the mix.

JFK Library Digital Archivist Erica Boudreau, who oversaw the beginning of the digital archive project in 2006, told eWEEK that the project began with a single EMC Celerra array that provided about 10TB of capacity.

"We used [EMC's] Application Extender for metadata capture and management," Boudreau told eWEEK. "We later migrated to Documentum [an EMC division]. The handling of metadata [descriptions of the photos, videos, etc.], which is very important to us, was improved a lot."

The Website and cloud storage system uses the Endeca search engine (which currently is deployed by NewEgg.com and Time.com) and has a redundant mirror backup system at Iron Mountain for disaster recovery purposes, Fitzpatrick said. Digital tape backup is used only for SQL server backup, he added. Video is streamed from a third-party cloud service.

The Kennedy Library's research facilities in Boston are among the most referenced of presidential libraries. Its archives currently total more than 8.4 million pages of Kennedy's personal, congressional and presidential papers. Additionally, there are some 40 million pages from more than 300 other individuals who were associated with the Kennedy administration.

The physical archives also hold more than 400,000 photographs, 9,000 hours of audio recordings, 7.5 million feet of motion picture film and 1,200 hours of video recordings. The digitization efforts are ongoing, and additional material will be added to the archive as it is scanned and described.

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JFK clearly saw the future of IT

JFK himself was prescient about the impact of IT--even though computers were still in their infancy in the early 1960s.

In 1961, he was asked at a press conference whether he would consider putting his official papers in Washington D.C., rather than in his home town as previous presidents have done, so as to make them more accessible to scholars and historians who come to Washington to work at the Library of Congress and other agencies.

In his response, the president spoke of a future where, "through scientific means of reproduction … and this will certainly be increased as time goes on, we will find it possible to reproduce the key documents so that they will be commonly available."

The president certainly had it right.

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