May 21, 2010

Certkingdom Upgrading Your MCSE/MCSA on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 70-648 and 70-649

Certkingdom Upgrading Your MCSE/MCSA on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 70-648 and 70-649

A lot of IT professionals as well as entry level IT guys and gals are still confused about which Windows Server certification they should work on.
Which one is more valuable? Which one is going to get you a better job? Should you get your MCTS certification or go for the new MCITP?

These are all valid questions and they are not easy to answer. You have to keep in mind that one certification may work great for one person, and it may not work out so well for another.

To make the right decision, you really need to take some time, evaluate your situation and your current position, and come up with a solution that will work for you. To help you get started I would suggest to take into consideration your current job situation and ask yourself these questions:

* Is my company still using Server 2003? If so, for how long?
* Am I going to be involved with Server 2008 migration?
* How long do I plan on staying with my current company?
* Do I plan on getting a new job?
* Do I want a promotion?
* Do I want to completely change my career?

All these questions (and few more that you might come up with) will help you determine which certification path to go with. But here, let me clarify some info for you guys; let’s start with Windows Server 2003.

Windows Server 2003 MCSA/MCSE

The MCSA and MCSE certifications are very similar. In fact, 4 specific exams required for your MCSE will get you your MCSA in the progress. Then once you pass 3 additional exams you become MCSE certified.

So there are 4 exams required for the MCSA and 7 exams for the MCSE. As you can see the MCSE certification is a little more desirable than the MCSA because it’s more advanced and you’re required to know more (plus you need to pass 3 additional exams).
MCSA Exam Requirements

To become MCSA certified you are required to pass the following exams:

* Exam 70-290 – Managing and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Environment
* Exam 70-291 – Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure

And one of these two elective exams:

* Exam 70-620 – TS: Configuring Microsoft Windows Vista Client
* Exam 70-270 – Installing, Configuring, and Administering Windows XP Professional

Plus one additional exam, which is also an elective exam, from a list of about 20 exams to choose from. Here is the complete list — just make sure you’re looking at the Elective Exams under MCSA on Windows Server 2003.

This makes it a total of 4 exams — two required and two electives — to obtain your MCSA on Windows Server 2003.
MCSE Exam Requirements

Once you get your MCSA you will only need to pass the following 3 exams to become MCSE Certified:

* Exam 70-293 – Planning and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure
* Exam 70-294 – Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure

And one of these two:

* Exam 70-297 – Designing a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure
* Exam 70-298 – Designing Security for a Windows Server 2003 Network

For more information on the MCSE requirements, exams and their objectives, check out this page.
Windows Server 2008 MCTS/MCITP

Just like with MCSA and MCSE, the MCTS Certification and MCITP certifications are also closely connected. You get one certification on your way to another, except that you earn your MCTS title after passing only a single exam. This is the complete list of the Microsoft exams that you can take to earn your MCTS credential.

It’s also good to know that by passing two of the MCTS exams, you get two MCTS certifications with two specific titles. For example, if you pass the Windows Vista – Configuration (70-620) Exam and the Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration (70-640) Exam you have two MCTS certifications:

1. MCTS: Windows Vista, Configuration
2. MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuration

And you can continue to earn your MCTS certifications as you pass additional MCTS exams.

So … how do you earn your MCITP?
MCITP Exam Requirements

Well first let me mention that there are two MCITP certifications for Windows Server 2008: MCITP: Server Administrator and MCITP: Enterprise Administrator.

For the MCITP Server Administrator Certification you will need to pass:

* Exam 70-640 – TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring
* Exam 70-642 – TS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring
* Exam 70-646 – Pro: Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator

For the MCITP Enterprise Administrator Certification you will need to pass:

* Exam 70-640 – TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring
* Exam 70-642 – TS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring
* Exam 70-643 – TS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Configuring

Plus one of these:

* Exam 70-620 – TS: Configuring Microsoft Windows Vista Client
* Exam 70-624 – TS: Deploying and Maintaining Windows Vista Client and 2007 Microsoft Office System Desktops

And the final exam:

* Exam 70-647 – Pro: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator

Notice that exams 70-640 and 70-642 are required for both the Server Admin and Enterprise Admin certs (so it’s probably wise to start with those two exams). The MCITP Enterprise Administrator, like the MCSE, is a bit more advanced and as you can tell, it requires more knowledge and more testing.


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